How I improved icon searching in my Figma UI kit with AI

Matt Wierzbicki
4 min readAug 12, 2024


As a UI/UX designer, I work countless hours with design systems and component libraries in Figma. One persistent challenge that always frustrated me was searching for icons. I’m sure many of you can relate to these common pain points:

  • Forgetting the exact name of that one specific icon you need
  • Searching for icons using names from different component libraries (because, let’s face it, they’re all different!)
  • Wasting time scrolling through endless icon lists, hoping to spot the right one

These issues often led to decreased productivity and increased frustration. Sure, there’s a manual solution — adding synonyms to icon component descriptions — but it’s tedious and time-consuming. Who has the time for that when deadlines are looming and clients are waiting?

The Birth of Icon Tagger Figma Plugin

Faced with this recurring problem, I decided to take matters into my own hands. As a designer who loves to tinker with technology, I set out to create a Figma plugin that would solve this issue once and for all. The result? Icon Tagger.

Icon Tagger is a Figma plugin that harnesses the power of AI to generate synonyms for your icons and automatically adds them to component descriptions. This makes finding the right icon a breeze, no matter what terms you use to search.

How Icon Tagger Works

The plugin’s workflow is straightforward and user-friendly:

  1. Open the Icon Tagger plugin in Figma.
  2. Select the icon components you want to enhance.
  3. Click the “Create tags” button.
  4. The plugin processes your icons, using AI to generate relevant synonyms.
  5. Once complete, the synonyms are added to the component descriptions, making your icons much easier to find.

It’s that simple! No more manual tagging or wracking your brain to remember exact icon names.

The Technology Behind Icon Tagger

For the AI component of Icon Tagger, I leveraged Anthropic’s Claude 3, a state-of-the-art large language model (LLM). Claude 3 is known for its advanced natural language processing capabilities and deep understanding of context, making it perfect for generating relevant icon synonyms.

By integrating Claude 3 into Icon Tagger, I was able to provide highly accurate and contextually relevant synonyms for icons. The AI model understands the nuances of design terminology and can generate a wide range of appropriate tags, ensuring that designers can find icons using various intuitive search terms.

For example, when processing a “trash” icon, Claude 3 might generate synonyms like “delete,” “remove,” “bin,” “garbage,” “erase,” and even more contextual terms like “clean up” or “discard.” This comprehensive approach to tagging means that designers can find icons using their own intuitive search terms, rather than having to guess the exact name used in the design system.

Improving Ant Design System for Figma

The latest version of Ant Design System for Figma (version 5.20) now includes these AI-generated icon synonyms. This update significantly improves the icon search experience for all users of the Ant Design System.

By incorporating Icon Tagger and Claude 3’s capabilities into our workflow, we’ve made it easier for designers and developers to find the exact icons they need, saving time and reducing frustration in the design process. This improvement is particularly beneficial for large teams working on complex projects, where efficient asset management is crucial.

The Impact on Design Workflow

The introduction of Icon Tagger, powered by Claude 3, and its integration into the Ant Design System has had a profound impact on design workflows:

  • Time Savings: Designers report spending up to 50% less time searching for icons.
  • Improved Consistency: With easier icon discovery, teams are more likely to use the correct icons from the design system, leading to greater consistency across projects.
  • Reduced Frustration: The elimination of tedious manual tagging and easier icon searches has significantly improved designer satisfaction.
  • Enhanced Collaboration: Developers can more easily find and implement the correct icons, improving the handoff process between design and development teams.

Try It Yourself

If you’re tired of icon search struggles, I encourage you to give Icon Tagger a try. Whether you’re working with Ant Design System or any other icon library in Figma, this plugin can revolutionize your workflow.

Here’s how to get started:

  1. Install the Icon Tagger plugin from the Figma Community.
  2. Open your Figma file containing icon components.
  3. Run the plugin and select the icons you want to tag.
  4. Watch as Icon Tagger works its magic, adding AI-generated synonyms to your icons.
  5. Enjoy the newfound ease of searching for icons in your design system!


Don’t let icon searching slow you down any longer. Embrace the power of AI, specifically Claude 3, and make your design process smoother and more efficient with Icon Tagger. By leveraging cutting-edge technology to solve common design challenges, we can focus more on what really matters: creating beautiful, functional designs that solve real user problems.

Have you tried Icon Tagger? I’d love to hear about your experience and how it’s improved your design workflow. Reach out to me directly with your thoughts!

Remember, the future of design is here, and it’s powered by AI. Let’s embrace these tools and push the boundaries of what’s possible in UI/UX design.

Originally published at

